We Use Our Experience To Craft Yours
The diagnosis of infertility is often very overwhelming for patients. There is a plethora of information served to them. First is, they can conceive a child only through medical treatment. Second is, the insurmountable amount of information that is hard to comprehend. New medical jargon along with recommendations for treatments and tests that are completely unfamiliar can be very intimidating for the newly diagnosed. Dipshikha IVF's Reproductive Specialists believe in creating a partnership with the patient, and we have found that the most successful partnerships occur when the patient is well-informed and can play an active role in their treatment. We value an open and ethical relationship with each patient in an environment that fosters trust and mutual respect, an environment where questions are welcome and encouraged.
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Most couples develop a willingness to conceive a child at some point in their life. Generally, couples conceive within the first year, and around 7% of couples conceive in the second year. The inability to conceive within 12 months is defined as infertility. It is recommended to seek help from a reproductive endocrinologist if you are unable to conceive within 12 months. Our modern technology in healthcare has opened a lot of options for women who are facing infertility issues.
Symptoms of Infertility
The first and foremost symptom of infertility is the inability to conceive. If you are trying to conceive for more than a year then you might consider visiting a reproductive endocrinologist.
However, during some special conditions, you may need to visit your doctor earlier:
• Women having irregular periods. Regular periods indicate that you are ovulating regularly. Eggs are produced through ovulation two weeks prior to the next period. Ovulation of the egg is essential for pregnancy, and any irregularity in this process leads to an inability to conceive. If you have irregular periods then it is better to get evaluated from a reproductive endocrinologist.
• Female who is of age 35 years or older. In women, the number of eggs decreases with aging. With age, even the quality of the egg and genetic normalcy declines. By your fertility evaluation, your doctor will be able to guide you better in your journey to a healthy pregnancy.
• During any history of sexually transmitted diseases or infections. In women, these infections may damage which can be the reason for infertility. If you had any prior pelvic infection, your doctor can perform an HSG test where your fallopian tubes will be checked for any damage.
• History of endometrial polyps or uterine fibroids. Abnormalities of the uterus affect the endometrium causing impaired implantation and miscarriages. These abnormalities also cause irregular bleeding between your periods. In such conditions, surgeons perform hysteroscopy to correct the anomaly using a narrow tube with a camera.
• Any history of semen abnormalities in males. If your male partner had a history of defects during semen analysis and if you are unable to conceive in 6 months, visit your doctor.
Causes of Infertility that IVF can Treat
When it comes to infertility, in many different cases, IVF can be the best way to conceive.
Let’s discuss the common causes of infertility where IVF can be recommended:
• Infertility due to advanced maternal age. Age-related infertility is the most common cause as in this modern era, many women delay their pregnancy until the age of late thirties or forties. The egg quality declines with age, and there are fewer chances to conceive normally. In such conditions, IVF can be an effective treatment option.
• Frequents miscarriages or loss of pregnancy. Some structural defects or infections may result in loss of pregnancy. With IVF, there are higher chances of successful implantation leading to a successful pregnancy.
• Fallopian tube abnormalities. As discussed earlier, the history of any infection can damage the fallopian tube that results in infertility. IVF makes it possible to bypass these fallopian tubes to achieve a healthy pregnancy.
• Male factors causing infertility. Male infertility is due to the reduced number of sperms or low-quality sperms. In such cases, TESE is performed in which by making a small incision single sperm is extracted from the testis and is injected through intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI) directly into a mature egg. This ICSI-IVF enabled method can help you achieve pregnancy.
• Infertility due to Endometriosis. Abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus decreases the chances of conceiving. This condition can be treated with some medical interventions and surgery. Even after treatment, if you are unable to conceive, then IVF is recommended.
• Decreased number of ovaries. Some women have reduced ovarian reserves, even at a young age. stimulates the development of healthy eggs resulting in a successful pregnancy.
Infertility Treatment
Most of the time, we can not prevent the causes of infertility, but today we have some effective treatment options to overcome infertility.
1. Educating About Infertility - Educating yourself about infertility is the first step towards your treatment. We believe that educating the patients about the problem associated with their pregnancy and the available treatment options can empower them to make better choices. When you understand better about the reproductive process, you will be able to decide when to seek help. We aim to achieve a healthy pregnancy for every patient.
2. Fertility Medication - There are drugs available that can induce ovulation and development of eggs. Pills that can stimulate ovulation need to be taken during the 3rd to 5th day of your menstrual cycle. Injections for ovulation are typically taken for 10 to 15 days. These medications help in the maturation and release of healthy eggs.
3.IUI or intrauterine insemination - IUI is a process in which sperm is washed in a fluid and placed directly into the uterine cavity. Motile and viable sperms are selected to ovulate the egg. This increases the chances of pregnancy.
4. IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization - IVF means eggs are collected and fertilized outside the body, in a laboratory. This is followed by transferring the embryos into the uterus. This advanced technology has resulted in many successful pregnancies in women who had lost hope. Women can choose to freeze their healthy eggs for future use.
IVF Pregnancy
In order to have a successful IVF pregnancy, the first few weeks need special care. When you undergo IVF, you will be continuously monitored throughout the process by skilled doctors. Constant supervision reduces the complications associated with pregnancy. By understanding the IVF process and following your doctor’s instructions, you can enjoy the journey of your healthy pregnancy.
Risks Associated with IVF
The most commonly seen risk associated with IVF is having multiple-birth pregnancy like twins or more. This may result in a difficult pregnancy, complications during labor, and premature births. Though the IVF procedure causes some discomfort in women, almost all resume their daily activities a day after the treatment.
Bottom Line
Thanks to new technologies there are many ways to treat any kind of complications associated with infertility. The option that best suits you depends on many factors. An IVF consultant after a complete evaluation of your medical condition can guide you with the best treatment.
Dr N C Paul
Dr. Nibash Chandra Paul is a renowned IVF specialist in Bangladesh. With a vision to eradicate infertility from Bangladesh, Dr. Nibash Chandra Paul established Dipshikha IVF in the year 2012. Initially, the main focus of Dipshikha IVF was female infertility, although now it aims to provide advanced fertility center across Bangladesh for both men and women. He took the cou.